ACRTA’s Fixed Route system consists of 10 regularly scheduled weekday routes.

Click here to view our “How to Ride” videos page!

The fixed route system services our customers six days a week.  

ACRTA operates on a fixed stop system.  You must be waiting at a bus stop sign, on the proper side of the road, in order to be picked up and buses will drop off at those locations only.  Note:  Not all bus stops have shelters, most are just the sign.

It is our desire that every patron has a calm and relaxing ride as they are carried to their destination. To make everyone’s experience safe and orderly please read our Riding Guidelines.

We observe the following holidays, and buses will not run: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or federally observed day if holiday falls on a weekend.

ACRTA 2017 bus